Senior School years 10-12 curriculum offers Australian Curriculum (Yr 10) and Queensland Curriculum Authority Subjects, which support academic and vocational pathways. Burnside State High School has extensive vocational offerings and the 4 day timetable very much supports those students who wish to undertake a school based traineeship.
To support your understanding of the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) system, click to these links QCAA and QTAC to access additional information and resources from the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA) and the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC).
Confirmation - Confirmation: Quality assuring school-marked assessments
Endorsement - Endorsement - Quality assuring school-developed assessments
Burnside State High School Assessment Policy - Ensuring academic integrity.pdf
In the last week of Term 3, Year 10 students will complete a week of Work Experience. In this week they will not attend school but instead attend a workplace in an area where they might consider a career one day. This is an exciting opportunity to see how the world of work operates. The week of work experience is a compulsory component fo the Year 10 curriculum which contributes to their Certificate I in Workplace Skills.