Years 7, 8, 9 and 10
Students attend five days per week from 8.55am to 2.45pm.
Year 11 and 12
Students attend four days per week from 8.20am to 2.45pm.
Early start: 8.20am to 8.55am.
Wednesday - non timetabled day for Year 12's.
Thursday - non timetabled day for Year 11's.
Daily lesson times
Period 1: 8.55am to 10.05am.
Recess: 10.05am to 10.45am.
Period 2: 10.45am to 11.55pm.
Period 3: 11.55pm to 1.05pm.
Recess: 1.05pm to 1.35pm.
Period 4: 1.35pm to 2.45pm.
As year 11 and 12 students are in classes from 8.20am every morning, junior students are restricted to well defined areas near the front of the school to reduce noise near classrooms.
School assemblies
Full school assemblies are held
fortnightly on Monday at 9.55 to 10.25am.
(This schedule could change some weeks).
Year Level assemblies are held
Monday at 10.05 to 10.25am on the alternate
The locations for these assemblies are as follows
Year 7 - Student Centre
Year 8 - Student Centre
Year 9 - Basketball Amphitheatre
Year 10 - MP Amphitheatre
Year 11 - Tennis Court Amphitheatre
Year 12 - Drama Room (SSH)